
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Christmas is getting close, and this will be the last episode of this year! But I've got some interesting content for you!

Every year around the December holidays I take some time off. And even though I have taken several breaks this year, due to an extremely busy schedule, I am going to take anot...

I'm back after a few weeks of rest, and I've got some cool new things for you in store, from tutorials to tools!

It was great to take a few weeks off, and I really needed it. Work was pretty busy, private I had some busy weeks, and trying to write a weekly overview was pretty much impossible! But...

No matter what area of OSINT you work in, this week I have loads of different topics! From training and telcos, languages and lists to books and Burp!

Welcome to yet another episode of my weekly roundup of OSINT news. Whether you are or know a victim of online abuse, looking for proof, or an ethic...

What a week it has been, way too much work and so little time! But as promised, we're back with another newsletter with some nifty tips and tricks and (hopefully) interesting content!

Welcome to the overview of week number 47 already! Slowly we are heading towards the end of the year, and I can't...

And here's the second newsletter of August 2020, with some interesting links, stunning visuals, awesome people and a little bonus at the end.

When you think that new sources and tools are slowly drying up, you're wrong! People keep finding or creating new links, techniques, tools or information ou...